Monday, October 21, 2013

The ‘Friday Night Lights’ Guys Got Together To Watch Football Yesterday So Let’s Call It A Reunion

VIA: So here’s a fun mini reunion photo our friend Scott Porter (aka Jason Street) shared yesterday when he and a bunch of his male Friday Night Lights alum got together for a “Sunday Funday” chocked full of watching football and –presumably — tossing the pigskin around Wranglers Jeans-style. In case you aren’t quite FNL fan club material, that’s Matt Lauria, Gaius Charles, Zach Gilford, Porter, and Kevin Rankin (i.e. Luke Cafferty, Smash Williams, Matt Saracen, Street, and Herc) from left to right.

I hear Taylor Kitsch and Jesse Plemons didn’t get invites because they’re Cowboys fans. And for the record, I choose to believe Porter is wearing Broncos Crocs ironically, despite the fact that is not a thing and in no way justifies his actions.

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